Friday, August 20, 2010

Shae Is About To Hit A Milestone!

God has blessed me with 3 extraordinary children and my oldest Shae has a birthday coming up August 21. She is such a special young lady and she wrote me the most marvelous e-mail in which she asked me to think back to when I was her age, and to write a letter to myself utilizing the wisdom I have gained at this point, to encourage and direct my younger self. In that, Shae would actually be the recipient of these "pearls of wisdom" and from there, hopefully, she will carry-on with a deeper insight. Others have done this in the past and have compiled their letters in a book entitled, What I Know Now, Letter to my Younger Self . Believe me, it was a marvelous exercise! As I began writing, I found myself holding my breath, then feeling a knot in my stomach midway, but upon conclusion a deep cleansing breath took hold. In the release of that breath I felt a freedom or satisfaction in knowing that I had, by the grace of God, come through some very difficult times. He was with me through everyone just as He said He would be and each situation increased my faith, developed my strength and gave me a deeper knowledge of self that uplifts me and makes me resilient. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FIRST BORN! I thank God so much for you and all the wisdom that you already have and have shared with me. Bless you baby. Keep shining...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sometimes You Need A Hiatus...Don't Beat Yourself Up About It

Those of you that follow this site and The Mom Squad site, know that I LOVE my online school experience. Argosy University is a wonderful school and for the most part, every single class, and almost every professor has richly added to my life but for the second time in a year I believe I am burned out. There is a lot of reading and writing to do and though I usually do my school work while caring for Mom I found myself several weeks ago, burned out as a caregiver and my school break did not coincide with the respite granted via Hospice. Consequently, a self-induced schoolwork break was unintentionally imposed. Now, it is time for the school break and I am going to do my best to go great guns when the break ends. I was on the Dean's List for almost the entire year. Things happen. I was beating myself up about it and then I decided that was Satan just trying to bring me down. I choose to give all glory and honor to God and I thank Him for the renewed strength and the renewing of my mind. In fact, I thank my Heavenly Father for even shutting me down when I truly need to shut down. If we push ourselves beyond our ability it may be damaging to our physical and/or mental health. So take a break without the guilt! Then get back in the saddle and ride better than ever.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Are The Odds Of A Person Being A Good Spouse If They Had No Example of That Growing Up?

A friend of mine said something to me today that really got me thinking. If one has not experienced a beautiful, loving marital relationship via their parents, grandparents, etc. how would they really know what to do and what to expect regarding marriage? I was blessed to see my parents lovingly interact for 30 of their 50+ years together and I am sure it set a high standard. There is television of course which shows every possible scenario regarding relationships but I am not sure if people really hold on to positives seen on television as the negatives seem to be more prevalent. Many times, I presume if a person has had no concrete example, they may simply go into marriage due to the love they believe they feel for their significant other but may have very little basis or structure as to how to proceed day to day. They may not really know what love is or how to even love themselves so the relationship can become complicated. Then when things become stressful due to financial struggles, employment issues, children and child rearing, illness, maybe the couple doesn't know how to deal with the difficulties and from there they may grow apart, begin to rely on dependencies like other people (affairs), chemicals (drugs/alcohol) and exhibit erratic behavior (psychological malfunctions/illegal activities) which only separate the couple more. They may lose sight of what attracted them to the person in the first place and love begins to diminish. Sometimes a person might get so wrapped up in working and material things that they once again begin to neglect their spouse in ways that really matter like sharing their time, activities, quality moments and communication. BUT first and foremost, there is God and if both parties truly know Him, I believe they can make it through anything. He is our Ultimate Love and I truly believe that, even if someone has not experienced an earthly example of a wonderful relationship, if they seek God, they can receive a pattern through God's Word and the example of the relationship Jesus Christ wants to have with each of us. The Bible teaches us in I Corinthians 13:4 that "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud." When we love, we are supposed to put the needs of our spouse before our own. We are to express sensitivity and caring. I wonder how many husbands know how special it is to bring flowers home for no help with the housework especially when both parties work outside the home in an effort not to overtire the wife, so they both can sit down at a decent hour together to share their day and relax. I wonder how many wives consider putting the children to bed by a certain time, for no other reason than she wants to have time for herself, making the effort to look and smell her best to then create that loving visual that her husband needs..soft music...conversation...taking a walk...engaging in massage. Couples need to be mindful whether it is 5 months or 50 years that this person is your blessing. Nurture this relationship and be thankful for it always. We must also exercise the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Everyday might not be roses but a single strand of thread is not nearly as strong as a strand of 3 God, you and your mate - Keeping God first as you and your spouse take life's journey can make for the most special relationship ever. In Christ, you are a new creation and in Him, all things are possible. So, all that considered, I just answered my own question. If both parties are in Christ, God can make good spouses and long-term loving marriages regardless of a person's upbringing. Your relationship with Christ is really the key. Blessings.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bless You Pointer Sisters!!

This post is a bit late but I had to write it. I had the pleasure of seeing The Pointer Sisters for the first time. The event took place at Cain Park and I am telling you they were MAGNIFICENT!!! They looked incredible. One of the things they are known for is their style. They have such energy, their voices are incredible and the songs really took me back. Anita and Ruth Pointer are the two originals remaining in the group at this time. June, one of the founding members, bless her heart, passed on several years ago and Bonnie, the other founding member, is still a powerhouse but from what I later read has had difficulties with drugs. I am actually praying for a reunion of the 3 sisters. God is able. In the meantime, Ruth's granddaughter, Sadoku, completed the trio and she is a welcomed treat.

If you E-V-E-R get the opportunity to see them, you certainly will not be disappointed! I would go again in a heartbeat. Here's to Cain Park doing more advertising next year and filling the seats to the rafters.